Hydrogen as primary energy carrier

Van Pallandt and Martina Cornelia

research feasibility hydrogen from wind South Holland
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research feasibility hydrogen from wind South Holland

research feasibility hydrogen from wind South Holland

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Windpark Van Pallandt, owned by Eneco, is due for replacement. Windpark Martina Cornelia is also nearing the end of its lifespan in a few years. The idea is to replace the outdated wind turbines in the Van Pallandtpolder along with the adjacent Windpark Martina Cornelia, reducing the existing 11 turbines to fewer but more efficient ones.

Innovation of Existing Wind Farms

The core of this project is the innovationof the existing wind farms Van Pallandt and Martina Cornelia. The current wind turbines need to be replaced. The Collaborating Producers want to achieve this with the help of more modern types of wind turbines, specifically optimized for generating energy for hydrogen electrolysis.

For this reason, the local energy cooperative Deltawind, Eneco, and HYGRO have communicated with the municipality about starting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). An EIA concretely visualizes the effects of replacing the turbines on the environment. The expected impacts are described in an environmental impact report. This allows the government to consider the environmental effects when deciding on the plan or project. Careful consideration is given to factors such as the distance to buildings, the height of the wind turbines, landscape integration, safety, and ecology.

To start the study, formal permission from the municipal council is not required. However, due to the sensitivity of the subject and the previous stance that aviation lighting is undesirable, the developers chose to engage with the municipality early on. If a permit were to be requested after the study, the municipality could still decide not to cooperate. There was no majority support within the municipal council for the study at the moment. The initiators are discussing the consequences of this vote in the municipal council.

Together with Eneco and Delta Wind

In collaboration with Eneco and Deltawind, HYGRO is one of the three Collaborating Partners eager to develop this project. HYGRO's main contribution would be providing the knowledge and technology to convert wind energy directly into green hydrogen at the source.

Hydrogen HUB near wind farm

HYGRO sees potential in developing a hydrogen HUB near the wind farm, where the produced hydrogen can be stored at high pressure in HYGRO-iBundles for further transport. HYGRO will draw from the experience gained in the Duwaalproject in North Holland.

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